Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies



Founded in July 2023, the Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies (VCPU) merges the Center for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies and the Chair for Entangled History of Ukraine into a new research institution at the European University Viadrina. The VCPU focuses on interdisciplinary research on Polish and Ukrainian history and the present day, as well as on the transfer of science-based and up-to-date knowledge about Poland and Ukraine to the public.

Interdisciplinary conferences, workshops, open lectures, summer academies, research trips as well as university lectures and seminars by the VCPU’s academic staff and international guest researchers, several publication series, an academic blog and a YouTube channel stimulate research on Poland and Ukraine and underline the special role of the Viadrina as a place of European intellectual exchange.

Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies

Visitor address

Große Scharrnstraße 23a
DE 15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
Räume 301-311



VCPU Annual Review 2023-2024

VCPU looks back on their achievements in research, teaching, and transfer 2023/24. Read our full report in English, German, Polish, or Ukrainian.

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Call for papers

The VCPU Annual Conference "Between Hope and Reality. Modernisation and Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe" will take place on May 22-23, 2025. The conference will focus on current challenges in Polish and Ukrainian studies and is dedicated to the research project “Mod-Block-DDR”. Researchers from various disciplines, including (but not limited to) economic history, the history of science, and sociology, are warmly invited to participate. New submission deadline - March 08, 2025!

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Our new blog Entanglements. Polish and Ukrainian Studies

Our new blog Entanglements. Polish and Ukrainian Studies

Over a year ago, the Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies (VCPU) was launched. Today, we're thrilled to mark our first anniversary with an exciting milestone: the launch of our new academic blog, "Entanglements. Polish and Ukrainian Studies". This blog builds on the experience of the Polish Studies Blog (Pol-Int) and serves to network different research institutions and to transfer knowledge about the region from different disciplines to the general public.

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New book published by Falk Flade

"Innovation and planned economy? Technological change in centrally planned economies using the example of the German Democratic Republic and the People's Republic of Poland" is the title of a new publication by our colleague Falk Flade, which has been published in German by Duncker & Humblot Verlag.

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Research | Teaching | Transfer


The research carried out at the Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies is dedicated to Poland and Ukraine in a broad transregional context, considering the close entanglements – commonalities as well as conflicts – in this multi-layered contact zone. Recognizing the cultural and political agency of Poland and Ukraine, we treat our research as an integrative endeavor with a strategic interdisciplinary focus.

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In line with its research focus, the Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies pursues the strategy of integrating Polish, Ukrainian, as well as Central and Eastern European studies into as many courses at the Viadrina as possible. For this reason, courses are generally offered in English and German, together with a number of seminars in Polish and Ukrainian, and are aimed at students from all three faculties at all levels of qualification – BA, MA and PhD.

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We want to share the results of our enquiries with the public. Scientifically based, trustworthy knowledge and information, especially about the complex situations and conditions in Central and Eastern Europe, are urgently needed in Germany. In order to transfer the findings of the Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies projects into an enlightened public debate, we will further develop our existing formats.

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