Heide Fest
We want to share the results of our enquiries with the public. Scientifically based, trustworthy knowledge and information, especially about the complex situations and conditions in Central and Eastern Europe, are urgently needed in Germany. In order to transfer the findings of the Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies projects into an enlightened public debate, we will further develop our existing formats: In addition to the book series Interdisciplinary Polish and Ukrainian Studies – published both in print and digitally (Open Access) – we maintain a YouTube channel and an academic blog on Polish and Ukrainian studies. Together with the Centre for Historical Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Berlin and the Free Ukrainian University in Munich we publish an academic book series Ukraine-Poland-Germany. A Triangle of Dialogue. We would also launch a book series Viadrina Ukrainian Studies together with the Kyiv-based publishing house Dukh i Litera.
Moreover, the Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies will seek partnerships with leading institutions in the field to maximize the success of the academic knowledge transfer. We are thinking of various institutions in Frankfurt/Oder, in the Berlin-Brandenburg region, but certainly also in the voivodeships beyond the Oder river. Cooperative links are already established with the Prisma Ukraїna Research Network Eastern Europe (hosted by Forum Transregionale Studien in Berlin), with the Pilecki Institute, the Ukrainian Institute London, the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies in Kyiv, and many others.